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Asociatia pentru Dezvoltare Durabila in Educatie

Infiintata in anul 2011, Asociatia pentru Dezvoltare Durabila in Educatie (ADDE) este o organizatie non-profit, cu un numar de 60 de membri, cadre didactice, directori de scoli, directori de licee tehnologice si teoretice, inspectori, formatori, elevi, reprezentanti ai mediului de afaceri. Incepand cu anul 2011, asociatia a conceput si sustinut cursuri de formare cursantilor adulti – acreditate fie de catre Ministerul Educatiei, fie de Autoritatea Nationala (cu credite profesionale transferabile), pe teme precum: • Integrarea instrumentelor TIC in procesul educational • Comunicare eficienta si medierea conflictelor • Secretariat computerizat si comunicare manageriala • Achizitii publice • Anti-bullying prin educatie pentru cetatenie democratica • Utilizarea instrumentelor si metodelor interactive in educatie • Atat membrii organizatiei, cat si grupurile tinta carora li se adreseaza promoveaza diversitatea culturala, multiculturalitatea si incluziunea sociala si valori precum toleranta, nediscriminarea, diversitatea culturala. Obiectivul principal al ADDE este formarea resursei umane din sistemul de educatie in concordanta cu standardele tehnologice, economice, ecologice, informationale si morale actuale, in vederea progresului individual ca o premisa a dezvoltarii durabile in educatie. Toate activitatile ADDE converg catre obiectivul major - dezvoltarea durabila, care nu se poate realiza fara o resursa umana pregatita sa depaseasca toate provocarile prezente si viitoare si care sa actioneze responsabil fata de generatiile urmatoare. Asociatia este determinata nu doar sa preia modele de bune practici de la partenerii europeni, ci sa-si aduca propria contributie promovand alaturi de acestia proiecte de succes in parteneriat.ADDE are incredere deplina in competentele, experienta si implicarea membrilor sai in proiecte europene. Obiectivele asociatiei sunt concretizate in: • specializarea si perfectionarea membrilor asociatiei; • promovarea cooperarii cu structuri similare, din tara si din alte tari; • elaborarea, sprijinirea, promovarea, realizarea si participarea la derularea programelor transfrontaliere si europene in domeniile de interes ale asociatiei; • dezvoltarea de parteneriate europene in vederea amplificarii dimensiunii europene a sistemului educational romanesc; editarea, sustinerea si promovarea unor lucrari si publicatii, inclusiv de publicatii sub egida Asociatiei; • sustinerea actiunilor de prevenire si combatere a fenomenelor negative din societate, precum poluarea mediului inconjurator, consumul de alcool, traficul de persoane • colaborarea cu reprezentantii administratiilor locale, inspectoratelor scolare si a altor institutii pentru realizarea de proiecte si programe educationale. Asociatia doreste sa-si consolideze statutul de actor relevant in dezvoltarea si incluziunea sociala a tinerilor, este furnizor autorizat de formare profesionala continua a adultilor pentru programe de initiere, calificare si perfectionare. Asociatia este recunoscuta pentru preocuparile pe care le are in domeniul dezvoltarii resurselor umane proprii, ale partenerilor, precum si a celor din comunitatile in care activeaza. ADDE a elaborat si distribuit manuale pentru cursurile acreditate, metodologii, proceduri de lucru cu mediul intern si extern, regulamente tehnice si financiare, instrumente standardizate pentru managementul serviciilor sociale si a proiectelor cu finantare nerambursabila.

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Association for Sustainable Development in Education Established in 2011, the Association for Sustainable Development in Education (ADDE) is a non-profit organization, with a number of 60 members, teachers, trainers, public and private educational institution directors, inspectors, students, business environment, with headquarters in Bucharest, but with a rich activity at national and international level. Since 2011, the association designed and delivered trainings to adult learners – courses accredited either by the Ministry of Education or by the National Authority (with professional transferrable credits) for Qualifications (leading to nationally recognized certifications/qualifications), on topics such as: • Integration of ICT tools within the educational process • Effective communication and conflict mediation • Computerized secretariat and managerial communication • Public procurement • Anti-bullying through education for democratic citizenships • Use of interactive tools and methods in education Both the members of the organization and the target groups they are addressing promote cultural diversity, multiculturality and social inclusion and values such as tolerance, non-discrimination, cultural diversity. The purpose of ADDE is "to form human capital in accordance with current technological, economic, ecological, informational and moral demands in order to promote development for people and people as a prerequisite for sustainable development". All ADDE activities converge towards the major objective - sustainable development, which cannot be achieved without a human resource prepared to overcome all present and future challenges and to act responsibly towards the next generations. Apart from training courses, the association is involved in activities such as: • Collaboration with representatives of local administration and other institutions for the realization of educational projects and programs. • Promoting and supporting the participation of the beneficiaries and members of the association as well as of other persons who work in the fields of interest of the association at scientific events (congresses, conferences, symposia, seminars, colloquiums, fairs, exhibitions, festivals, or other meetings), cultural, artistic in the country and abroad, in the fields of interest. • Organizing cultural, artistic and scientific manifestations by which to discover and develop new talents by the members of the association and to be promoted • Organizing sessions of scientific communications, symposia, contests, celebrations, concerts, festivals, etc. • Initiation and participation in the organization of fairs and exhibitions. • Participation in international festivals, fairs and exhibitions organized both in the country and abroad. • Supporting actions to prevent and combat negative phenomena in society such as pollution of the environment, violence, alcohol consumption, drug use, human trafficking, etc. • Accessing the European funds for educational projects, professional development and training. The association aims to consolidate its status as a relevant actor in the development and social inclusion of young people, is an authorized provider of continuous professional training for adults for initiation, qualification and improvement programs. The association is recognized for its concerns in the field of developing its own human resources, partners, as well as those in the communities in which it operates. ADDE has developed and distributed manuals for accredited courses, methodologies, working procedures with internal and external environment, technical and financial regulations, standardized tools for managing social services and projects. ADDE has a broad expertise in designing and delivering initial and continuous training courses for adults, trainers, AE and school staff, reaching several hundreds of learners every year.

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The Community Development Institute (CDI) is a non-governmental and non-profit national umbrella association for development, education and social services. The association as an informal group started its work by the end of 1994 and with the first official registration by the Ministry of internal affairs in 1996. The CDI’s experience is based on more than 25 years’ work within the community, addressing citizens’ problems and needs and helping in overcoming challenges. Strategic aims: 1. Improvement of the living conditions and standard of life. 2. Strengthening of the democracy and civil society; 3. Vocational Education and Training / IT training 4. Economic development 5. Social services for vulnerable groups 6. Social cohesion Methods applied in the work of the CDI: a. Seminars b. Conferences c. Workshops d. Publication of printed educational materials e. Production of audio and video educational material f. Consultation and mentoring g. VET trainings h. Study trips and exchanges The CDI operates at local, national and international level, providing services and conducting activities in different regions, and in partnership, in various countries. We conduct activities on 4 continents: Asia, Africa, Europe and North America. The CDI has extensive knowledge and experience in implementing EU funded projects, providing high-level quality outputs and services: - creating diverse e-platforms and open educational resources, e-learning courses and has very strong potential and human capacities for implementation of projects related to e-learning. - possess relevant knowledge and experience implementing VET programs, offers trainings in cooperation with local and state institutions on various topics. - the organisation is a verified provider of Vocational Education And Training and of adult education by the Ministry of Education and Science of Macedonia. - well positioned in Macedonia as an organization that works on development of adult education and it’s recognized by the institutions as a relevant organization in that field, confirmed with signed memorandum for understanding and cooperation - works as a social enterprise and offers products and services to the community. - the organisation is a secretariat of the national platform for economic development which gathers Universities, chambers of commerce, civil society organisaitons and other relevant institutions.

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Regional Economic Development Agency for Šumadija and Pomoravlje (REDASP) represents a partnership of private, public and NGO sectors from two regions: Šumadija and Pomoravlje. The Šumadija and Pomoravlje Region is located in the central part of Serbia with around 500.000 inhabitants. The proportion of population of Šumadija and Pomoravlje in the total population of the Republic of Serbia amounts to 7 %. REDASP mission is to promote sustainable socio-economic development by building policies and stable network of key stakeholders: Serbian government, local authorities, universities, Chamber of Commerce, National Employment Service, associations of entrepreneurs, donors, NGO, media. All priorities, areas of intervention and individual activities are targeted to create a positive environment for sustainable development. REDASP priority areas are: Support to entrepreneurship development, Support to human resources development, Local and regional strategic planning, Support to the territorial development (Rural development, Spatial planning as a precondition for investment attraction, Tourism development). REDASP has significant experience in implementation of projects financed from national and international funds, including IPA Adriatic, SEE transnational cooperation program, Lifelong Learning Programme, etc. In the 19 years of activity, REDASP participated in 65 projects of total value of more than 60 mil EUR, in 42 as project leader. Some of the implemented projects, mostly relevant to adult learning / human resource development/ professional orientation contributing to improvement of employability and economic growth. REDASP has 15 employees in 4 departments: 1. The Department of Human Resource Development, Economy and Entrepreneurship and Rural 2. The Department for municipal, cross municipal and international cooperation 3. The In-Doc center 4. The Finance and Administrative Department Apart from project development and management, the REDASP conducts and organize workshops and trainings such as How to Star up bussines, Marketing and Sell, Foreign Trade, Financial management, Business English, PC in business, Project cycle management etc., for the following target groups: potential and existing enterprises and entrepreneurs, unemployeed, NGOs, local self governments from the whole territory of the Region. REDASP has organized around 700 education trainings and workshops that have been attended by more than 8000 trainees. Through the Mobile PC classroom, the REDASP Indoc Centre has conducted basic PC trainings on the territory of all 13 municipalities of the region, for both employed in local administrations and unemployed target groups in order to promote employability skills. Regarding development of Adult Learning and enhancing employability, REDASP participates in numerous national and international projects and support measures. Department of Human Resource Development, Economy and Entrepreneurship and Rural promotes awareness and points to the significance of adult education. Relevant experience refers to participation in TEMPUS, Life Long Learning program and other projects targeting employment skills and professional development in partnership with the Regional Chamber of Commerce, University, Business Start-up Centre and Business Innovation Centre. One of the important activities is the participation in the project “Comparative Analysis of Regional Policies for adult learning - REGIONAL” (within LLL program) based on the need to identify and exploit key success factors to improve the effectiveness and impact of AL as planned and managed throughout Europe by Regions, with the overall objective of reducing the major geographic disparities that persist in educational opportunities and outcomes across and within EU regions. REDASP has gained experience in the field of the development of women rural entrepreneurship thanks to the participation in the project "Improving the economic and social position of women in the rural areas of Sumadija and Kolubara districts" with the specific objective to develop models for supporting the economic and social empowerment of women already engaged in entrepreneurial activities such as providing rural tourism services, production of local food products and production of old craft products. The project has been funded by the Swiss government from 2017 to 2018.

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Internet Web Solutions is a leading provider of information technology (IT) and engineering services based in Málaga. Its business plan has received the finalist award from the City of Madrid in the National Business Competition sponsored by IdeCesem Business School. Internet Web Solutions is specialized in domains like Professional Web Design,Web Development,Software Development,E-Commerce Solutions,E-learning projects and SEO strategies.It also provides online marketing solutions and quality translation services. Internet Web Solutions is providing high-tech,custom and quality web design,Outsourced Web Development and Software Development services with latest and emerging Web Technologies,in particular PHP,Java Script,AjAx and newest DHTML IT languages. Internet Web Solutions has a result-oriented team under one roof that comprises of Software/Web/Creative Designers, Developers, SEO Experts, Programmers, Software Developers and Marketing professionals. Our aim is to make IT technology much more accessible to general and specialized public.

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IHF, Institut de Haute Formation aux Politiques Communautaires asbl, is a non-profit organisation established in Brussels (Belgium) in 2003. The principal aim of IHF is to provide the community (including non-profit and local authorities) with assistance for the development of a wider international cooperation through activities of specialised training on European policies and the dissemination of European values. One of the means to reach this objective is the organisation of highly specialised courses and seminars focused at the development of European projects. The courses focus on EU Policies and Legislation, International Relations and Project Management, promoting the possibility to participate in EU-funded programmes. IHF organises also study groups to Brussels for young graduates, local authorities’ representatives, SMEs, Universities, promoting mobility activities at different training levels. Since 2004 IHF organised more than 40 study visits to Brussels for more than 500 people. IHF took part as associate partner in previous EU funded projects, contributing mainly to Disseminaton and exploitation activities. IHF provides further assistance through continuous monitoring of EU legislation and European Institution activities, and consequent spread of related information, assistance in the search for partners and building up of networks. Thanks to its presence in Brussels IHF asbl developed relevant experience in the organisation of Dissemination and Valorisation activities at EU level, through contacts with MEPs, other European associations and Institutions, stakeholders, consumers groups etc.

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IDP, with branch offices in Italy and in Brussels, was established in 1996 by partners working since 1991 in Brussels in the frame of EU policies and EU funding programmes. It relies on more than 20 years of experience in the development, submission and management of successful EU projects. Since 1999, IDP develops and carries out also specialised training courses for VET and Adult learners focused exclusively on EU related issues (EU Institutions, policies, programmes, project management etc), delivering an average of +1000 hrs/year of training to +550 adult attendees/year. IDP organises also study visits in Brussels to the EU Institutions or the participation of groups of AL to major EU events (such as the Open Days of DG Regio); moreover, it takes part in all EU events held in Brussels (Info days, conferences, meetings etc) and has regulars contacts with officers and representatives of Brussels-based Institutions, practitioners, associations and projects. As a training service provider, IDP organises, manages and delivers high quality specialised training for Local and other public authorities, focusing on the various aspects of project management, planning, financial management, implementation, fund-raising, etc In addition to serving the public and third sector, IDP offers services to institutional clients from both national and regional governments. Moreover, IDP is currently a contractor of the EU Institutions/Agencies having been awarded in 2010 two contracts on the basis of competitive bidding.

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