The WIDE official website represents a repository of the project’s outputs, results, news and contacts, and will be the OER platform for target groups to access WIDE resources and training materials.
WIDE is a Project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission, whose specific objectives to achieve are:
- Upskilling digital skills in women from rural area in order to develop an entrepreneurial aptitude. Digital technologies are a great opportunity for rural women to compensate for their environment deficiencies in order to join the labour market and/ or carry out actions of entrepreneurship. WIDE OER Platform will make digitally available all trainings notwithstanding geographical ubications and timing;
- Upskilling digital skills in adult women from rural area who already have a business idea in mind but lack in ICTs skills. Therefore, WIDE ICT-based learning could foster greater opportunities for business in many ways such as accessing related information for reducing uncertainty, and participating in economic activities more competitively.
- Address digital transformation through development of digital readiness, resilience and capacity reinforcing the ability of AL providers to deliver high quality training. WIDE results digital by design and up-to-date to tackle the challenges of women entrepreneurs from the rural areas to enhance their competitiveness.
- Networking opportunities and build a solid consortium representing all different actors of AE ecosystem, SMEs, ICT and digital expertise as well as the third sector (NGO) and entrepreneurship facilitation system, thus enhancing common values, civic engagement and participation adopting a pan European perspective - support women entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs-to-be from rural areas by providing innovative and up-to date training to help them cope with digital upskilling to empower them and make their business more competitive; WIDE’s training will be based on a competence recognition system tested by multiple-choice tests and attested by WIDE certificates of training.
- Enrich the provision of learning opportunities. WIDE resources, training and OER Platform will become operational tools to improve the tailored offer and achieve a sustainable impact on beneficiaries and policy makers. On the basis of objectives and activities, WIDE is perfectly in line with needs and priorities underlined by European Commission (Horizontal: Addressing digital transformation through development of digital readiness, resilience and capacity) and at national level with the digital needs in matter of adult women entrepreneurs in Serbia, Italy, Belgium, Spain, Republic of North Macedonia and Romania.
The project officially kick-started on February 17th 2022, with the first online transnational meeting during which partners had a great opportunity to discuss the overall project implementation schedule, define timelines and respective duties in the following months. One of the very first activities was the development, testing and implementation of the Open Educational Resources (OER) Platform.
WIDE Platform is the main showcase of project’s results and its largest and most tangible channel for international visibility, and is available in 6 languages (EN, MK, ES, IT, RO, SR) with all of its content completely available for free, without requiring any kind of registration/identification by the user. WIDE website is now online at
For the next two years, the Platform will host and integrate all the main achievements of the consortium; each section of the WIDE Platform is a stand-alone library of its corresponding output.
The WIDE toolkit consists of training courses specifically designed for women, women entrepreneurs and women entrepreneurs-to-be to equip them with the necessary skills and competencies to establish, develop and run a business (digital entrepreneurship in rural setting, challenges and opportunities of female entrepreneurship, overcoming the bias in access to finance for female entrepreneurs, sharing economy opportunities and challenges for rural entrepreneurship). WIDE does not simply focus on enhancing entrepreneurial capacities, but it is aimed at accompanying the growth of female entrepreneurs to unlock female creativity and entrepreneurial potential.
In addition, the "Associates" section will be relevant to the widespread impact of the project, as organisations interested in the project will be able to join the WIDE community and become associated partners.
For further information about WIDE project: